
G-Zox Tech Grip Socks 足球防滑襪 - 4 Pairs

HKD 320.00 HKD 476.00 32% Off
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Concept and Introduction產品概念及技術

G-ZOX TECH is the world's lightest and tightest football grip socks.

G-ZOX TECH是全球最輕薄貼服足球防滑襪。

It is specially designed for football players and is suitable for training and games up to 3 times a week. In terms of comfort, technology and performance, it can provide the good support needed during exercise.


G-ZOX Tech is designed using ergonomic knitting technology. The materials and functions provide all-round consideration and protection according to each contact point of the foot during exercise. It is developed using DRI-TECH technology to help feet stay dry and comfortable for a long time, and the heel and The forefoot position provides additional cushioning for improved protection. The top uses a breathable weaving method to enhance the ventilation effect, and the straps attached to the arch area effectively enhance support and fit.

G-ZOX Tech 運用人體工學編織技術設計,物料和功能按照運動上足部各個接觸點提供全方位的考慮和保護,採用DRI-TECH技術開發,幫助雙腳長時間保持乾爽舒適,更在跟和前掌位置提供額外緩衝,提高保護作用。頂部則採用透氣編織方法,加強通風效果,足弓區域附設的帶子則有效增強支撐及貼合感。

Product Specification 產品特點

Anti-slip - New G-ZOX anti-slip system, sole anti-slip technology

防滑度 - 全新G-ZOX防滑系統,傑出的腳底防滑技術

Friction - Helps reduce irritation in friction-prone areas and avoid blisters

摩擦度 - 有助於減少易摩擦部位受到刺激,避免起水泡

Fitting - Padded heel and toe provide good foot comfort

合身度 - 腳跟和腳趾的鋪棉設計能提供良好的腳部舒適度

Durable - withstands frequent use (2 to 3 times per week) and wear and tear

耐用度 - 可接受頻繁使用(每週2到3次)及擁有上佳防磨損性能

Stability - Elastic ribbed elastic bands at the calf, ankle and arch reduce sock loosening during exercise

穩定度 - 小腿、腳踝和足弓處採用彈性羅紋彈性帶設計,可減低運動時襪子鬆脫情況出現

Breathability - The ventilated mountain-shaped weave design on the instep provides excellent ventilation

透氣度 - 足背的通風山形編織設計,提供絕佳的透氣性能

Comfort - Comfortably pulls the soccer socks to your desired calf position

舒適度 - 能舒適地將球襪放到理想的小腿位置上

G-ZOX Tech Grip socks that combine comfort and functionality.


These G-ZOX Tech grip socks combine comfort with technical features. Designed in collaboration with a group of professional football players, this product is made from a lightweight, highly absorbent and durable blend of Nylon and polyester to help reduce odor. Elastane is used in specific areas to make the socks more elastic and reduce loosening of the socks during exercise. In order to make the product extremely technical and precise, it uses needle-fine knitting technology with high-precision machines.

G-ZOX Tech防滑足球襪完美結合了舒適性與功能技術於一身。我們與一群專業的足球員共同合作設計此項產品,主要由輕薄、吸水性強及耐用的錦綸(Nylon)和聚醯胺(polyamide)混紡製成,能有效減少異味。氨綸(elastane)則用於特定部位,使其更具彈性,減少運動時襪子出現鬆脫的情況。更採用高精度機器的細密編織工藝,令產品使用時能展現出極佳的技術性和精確性表現。

OEKO-TEX® 100 Certified Imported Fabric.

OEKO-TEX® 100 紡織產品與皮膚接觸越緊密產品級別



Materials : 49% Nylon, 46% Polyester, 5 % Elastane

成分:49% 尼龍、46% 聚酯纖維、5% 彈性纖維

-S (19 cm) = EU 35-39
-M (21 cm) = EU 40-44
-L (23 cm) = EU 45-49

Care & Washing instructions 


G-Zox Tech Grip Socks 足球防滑襪 - 4 Pairs

HKD 320.00 HKD 476.00 32% Off